GEORGIA PIEDMONT REGION K-9 SEARCH AND RESCUE, INC. is an all volunteer nonprofit 501(c)3 organization and has been in existence since 1992.
We bring our skills and experience to assist Law Enforcement in finding and recovering lost persons.
Our dogs are trained in urban, wilderness and water search techniques. Our canines have experience in trailing, air scent and human remains detection. Our training and education is ongoing as we strive to be up to date with the latest in operational procedures. This training, as well as, his/her equipment, travel expenses and costs incurred regarding their canine is paid by each individual.
Our Team is also active in the community. We conduct educational programs directed toward preventing children and others from becoming lost, as well as, informing them of the best actions to take should they become lost.
We are dispatched by Local and State Law Enforcement Agencies. If a situation arises where our services may be needed contact your local law enforcement agency and ask them to contact us.
We can be reached by contacting us at (478) 561-0827.
Georgia Piedmont Region K-9 Search and Rescue, Inc. supports the Atlanta Humane Society and hopes you will as well.
The Atlanta Humane Society is a no-kill providing sheltering and adoption, veterinary care, and pet parent support to our community. As one of the oldest charities in Atlanta, Georgia, they have been caring for our community and animals for more than 150 years.
They believe the relationship between humans and animals has deep significance, and we call on our city and each other to take action. Together, we put up a united front against cruelty, neglect, and displacement. With a heart to better lives, they connect homeless animals with good homes, provide neglected animals with safe spaces, and uplift our community by instilling compassion.